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3 Course(s)

Infection Prevention and Control image
Infection Prevention and Control

Description:Infection prevention and control (IPC) is one of the crucial concerns in today’s health care system. It is considered as an essential standard of quality and safety for all health care facilities. Performing infection prevention and control measures within the healthcare services is vital to provide safe and effective care.Objectives: Identify new and emerging infections Classify healthcare-associated infections and management strategies Cite the types of multi-drug resistant organisms commonly encountered in health centers and hospitals Recount the methods and tools available for personal protection from infection and how to prevent transmission between patients Demonstrate correct methods of donning, doffing and disposal of personal protective equipment and of handwashing. Target: ResidentsDuration: 3-4 hours

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Communication Skills for Clinical Settings image
Communication Skills for Clinical Settings

Description:In this course, we look at communication as an essential skill fordeveloping a good doctor-patient relationships. We will explore factors thatblock communications and how to overcome them. We will alsodemonstrate effective communications skills and use them in variousclinical encounters.Objectives:Discuss the importance of communication skills you use in clinical settings.Develop new strategies to deal with specific clinical encounters.Identify common barriers to communication and how to overcome them.Target: R1 ResidentsDuration: 1 hour

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Resident as Teacher image
Resident as Teacher

Description: Teachers are the key to learning the craft of medicine and passing the best of the profession from one generation to another.The skill of being a good teacher is  essential to the development of successful learners.This course introduces residents to the philosophy of teaching and learning in medicine. It helps them appreciate the importance of being a good and effective  learner. It discusses different concepts and methods of learning clinical medicine and how it is important as a foundation to develop teachers individually.

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Critical Decision Making in Medicine  image
Critical Decision Making in Medicine

Decision making in medicine is very essential skill needed by all health care workers. The tendency for biases can lead to improper diagnosis or treatment. Different factors can lead to these biases which you need to consider while practicing medicine. This online course aims to guide you on how to identify these biases and overcome them to be decisive in medicine.

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القانون الطبي image
القانون الطبي

وصف الدورة التعليمي:  إن الطب والتطبيب من أنبل المهن التي عرفها الإنسان وأشرفها وأرفعها قدرا ومنزلة، ولا يكاد مجتمع من المجتمعات يستغني عنها، وحيث أن الطب عمل فيه مساس بالجسد البشري الذي له من التكريم والحق في الحماية ما لا يختلف عليه اثنان، كان لا بد أن يحاط هذا الحق بسياج من الحماية والوقاية تضمن للإنسان عدم التعدي عليه أو إيذائه، كما يضمن هذا السياج الواقي حماية شرف المهنة وكرامتها من دخول بعض المتطفلين عليها أو استهانة بعض المزاولين بأصولها ومبادئها. وحيث أن القانون هو أداة المجتمعات الحديثة لحفظ الحقوق والحريات وتنظيم الأعمال الاجتماعية بين الناس، فقد برز القانون الطبي كمجال خصب ومتجدد يتناول مواضيع شتى متعلقة بالعمل الطبي والعلاقة بين المعالج والمريض وتنظيم دور الطب والعمل الطبي في المجتمع. الأهداف: 1. التعرف على الآثار المترتبة على المسؤولية الطبية والإدارية. 2. تقييم نظام المساءلة على المستوى الشخصي والمؤسسي. 3. تطوير معرفة جيدة بالقوانين المرتبطة بالرعاية الصحية في سلطنة عمان وكيفية الوصول إلى خدمات الدعم عند الحاجة 4. التعرف على مصادر للمعلومات  المتعلقة بالتنظيم القانوني للممارسة الطبية. 5. وصف مهام اللجنة الطبية العليا ودورها في النظام القانوني. 6. وصف القضايا الطبية القانونية التي يحتمل مصادفتها داخل وخارج مؤسسات الرعاية الصحية. الفئة المستهدفة: الأطباء المقيمين بالمجلس المدة الزمنية: ساعة واحدة  

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Well-Being E-Learning Program image
Well-Being E-Learning Program

The trainee wellbeing program is available to all trainees throughout the training period. It aims to target all trainees regardless of their year of training, in order to provide them with comprehensive knowledge on the different components of wellness and how to enhance them. 

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Laboratory Management Course  image
Laboratory Management Course

The lab management course is a flipped classroom setting and practical course that will provide comprehensive conceptual knowledge and practical skills for the senior laboratory residents. Moreover, this course will highlight the major principles of management and leadership in the laboratory area that the residents will use in the future as laboratory managers.

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